The last of Yangon

At the Pagoda on I was invited to help out with an English class the next morning, but I didn’t make it. Not for trying though – I walked for over 30 minutes down the road, counting down the numbers until… the road ended unexpectedly.
Not really sure what to do from there, I sat down in a local café and grabbed some coffee and a few cakes for breakfast. Nice atmosphere, nice cakes, interesting coffee (thick enough to stand a spoon in, and rammed with sugar) and all only $1.

There were as many cats as people in here...
There were as many cats as people in here…

I wandered back to the hostel, gathered my things and met with some other Westerners to travel over to the Drug Elimination museum in the northern area of Yangon. After I snapped a couple of shots at Yangon Central we took the train over there, which was probably about as interesting as the museum itself in the end!

Still, quite a good adventure, and I’ll never forget the smell of these fish being grilled by the train bridge:

The local "Grilled Train Fish"
The local “Grilled Train Fish”

After we got back from the museum we headed into Yangon to check out 19th street, in the centre of China town.
There was a pretty awesome looking array of vegetables and assorted seafood/landfood, so we grabbed a basket full of stuff we couldn’t really identify and sat as they were freshly barbequeued in front of us. They went down REALLY well with a bottle of the local Myanmar brew.

Things on sticks – my favourite!

I had a moment to snap a couple of interesting items at the markets on the way home too.

Given that we found a bar where Mojitos are <$1 each, I felt a little worse for wear in the morning. But that didn’t stop me getting up and out – stay tuned!