That's a lot of distance to cover...

Here we go! I’mma pack it to hack it

So, I’m leaving tomorrow, and should probably start thinking about packing.

The internet is full of worldly advice.
A quick Google search throws up no end of backpacking kit lists. These lists are all great in their own way, but opinions on what one actually needs seem to vary wildly from some guides saying “just take a t-shirt, and like, 300 condoms” to other extreme recommending those well-known essentials “umbrella” and “emergency San Pellegrino sparkling water”
So what will I actually take with me!?

Well, I’m going to be hiking and trekking. So there will be times when I have to carry EVERYTHING on long walks, for days on end, up steep hills, in the sweltering heat and monsooning rain.
That said, I’m also determined to take my DSLR and a laptop. If ever I had to learn how to compromise… here’s the deal:


  • Rucksack: Osprey 68 hiking rucksack, purchased from the extremely competent folk over in Lockwoods Leamington Spa.
  • Daypack: Jack Wolfskin Moab Jam 22. No longer available to buy, but a great daypack with a hydration pocket. This clips (empty) onto the back of my main rucksack when hiking. Neat.

Ospreyrucksack JWrucksack



  • DSLR: Canon EOS700D, with 3 lenses covering 10-200mm. For me, taking photos is a must, so I’m prepared to take the extra weight of a DSLR and lenses over a compact.
  • Laptop: Lenovo YOGA 700, 11″. Some call me insane, but I’ll stay connected to update you keen, keen boot shadowers as I go. This tiny laptop packs a punch and is great for photo editing on the go.
  • Action cam: Muvi HD. Comes with a screen, charges over USB and takes awesome HD video. Totally waterproof too!
  • Headphones: Because as well as having a lot of time to listen to music, they also help me getting to sleep in a dorm full of snorey drunk tourists.


  • Dry bags: Karrimor (Sports Direct) do a huge range of sizes. I’m taking 5L, 10L, 25L and 40L, to help separate out kit as well as keeping everything dry in the monsoons.
  • Clothes: Kept to an absolute minimum. I can always buy what I need when there, taking into account local climate. A lot probably won’t come back with me either…
  • Toiletries: As much of my body as possible will be washed with one soapy bar, from LUSH! One solid stick of deodorant, a toothbrush and toothpaste. No faffing here.
  • Med kit: Alongside basic painkillers, absolute essentials include blister plasters, micropore tape, and throat sweets for those alien bugs I’ll undoubtedly pick up. I also picked up some cheap “malarone” equivalent malaria tablets from ASDA pharmacy.
  • Travel towel: A giant (and an XS) travel towel from Sports Direct again. Super effective, ultra lightweight and surprisingly cheap.


  • Documents: Passport, visas, licences, insurance information, flight tickets, plus copies of important documents in printed and digital formats. Left a few with my dad too.


  • Into the bag also goes a mosquito net, travel adaptors, a few snacks, a book (“The Girl on the Train”, which I’ll be happy to trade when finished) and some local currency.

So, I think I’m ready. Now I somehow just need to get to the airport…

