Today has gone really well. Almost TOO well. Perhaps I shouldn’t write anything until I’m safely tucked into my bed, surrounded by AC assisted mosquito nets and with all my belongings chained to my wrist… here’s how it went…
Landing in Thailand, I waited with biting nails for my bag to arrive, which it eventually did. Check one. Withdrawing cash was also surprisingly easy, as was then getting the skytrain to Phaya Thai. Wandering out of the train station I grabbed a map and hailed a Tuk Tuk to the hostel. It was my first time in a Tuk Tuk,, and it smelt of adventure, near-death experiences and just a hint of burning vegetable oil. Needless to say, I love it.
Check in went without a hitch too. All done before 12. The hostel seems pretty nice – even has a resident alligator:

Heading out I was approached by a random Thai man. Instantly smelling suspicious behaviour I engaged conversation cautiously, determined not to give him any money. Turns out, he didn’t want any. Instead, he took the free map I’d grabbed, highlighted the best free things to do, and hailed a Tuk Tuk, insisting that the driver charged no more than 20B (about 50p) to take me to EVERY destination highlighted on the map. I was stunned, and a whole day of adventures later, still am. “Buddha day” – he says. “National Thai holiday, enjoy!”

My Tuk Tuk driver “Boi” dropped me off at the first couple of destinations and suggested I wander around, not asking for a penny.
It was only at the third stop that I realised how such a discount was possible – I had to visit a suit shop, and pretend to be interested in buying a tailor-made suit. Needless to say, “Thai Fashion” didn’t get my business. “No, it’s not the price, or the quality, it’s the fact that I’m TREKKING THROUGH THAILAND AND DON’T NEED A TAILORED SUIT”. I gladly returned to the Tuk Tuk to visit the next 3 spots on my list.

At this point, I came across a group of travellers, speaking English but clearly mixed nationalities. I do like that. As they warmly invited me to join them, we grabbed some lunch at a restaurant by the curbside and then took a wander up the “Golden Mount”. I felt the monument had an air of abused authenticity, which was a shame, but the views and experience were nonetheless fantastic.
Grabbing a cab and a rickety river crossing between us we ended up at the Wat Arun – which although beautiful is currently undergoing some renovation. The majority of the decoration of the temple appears to be made up of old crockery…
I’m aiming for an uneventful evening, as I’m so tired from the early start. Just pop out, grab some dinner, maybe say hi if someone looks lonely. From experience, the “uneventful evening intentions” usually spells disaster…