Feature on the Shutters of Georgetown

Wandering into studiohoward, a chic photographic boutique in Georgetown, I was fortunate enough to bump into the resident photographer and owner, known simply as “Howard”. Talking to him about his photography, he told us that it’s “not about the camera you use, or the places you go. It’s about creativity, and expression. There is no such thing as the right lens, or even the right photograph.” Deep! I was certainly inspired.

I spotted a few of the fantastic shots he’d taken of the various shutters and doors around Georgetown, and fancied giving it a go myself!

So, over the next few days in Georgetown I attempted to recreate the feel of some of these shutters and doors. Getting a straight angle on the often high windows was challenging, and to be honest the weather wasn’t perfect for the shadows and colours most of the time! Excuses aside, my photography and post-processing is clearly a work in progress in comparison to Howard’s, but the project was pretty enjoyable nonetheless! Please comment if you have any suggestions or questions!