Langkawi is a beautiful yet relatively well-developed island off the West coast of Malaysia, not far from Thailand. It’s easily reached by boat from Georgetown.
I took a couple of shots on the journey in – a beautiful and serene experience among fogs which left us wondering what we’d got ourselves into…
Ghost fisherman? Ominous. Weather clearing!
Arriving, we were promptly told that the main tourist-town (Kampung Lubok Buaya) was a good 30 minute taxi away, so we grabbed a handful of nearby tourist-looking people and shared a cab over, hugely reducing costs. Good start!

We arrived at a hostel which had decent reviews, checked in and explored the activities options at the front desk. Kayaking in mangrove forests!? That sounded great, and there was a British volunteer chappy at the hostel saying he was planning on doing it the next day too, so we signed up.
With the ferry and the taxi taking several hours together, and getting our things organised for the following day, we were left with an hour or so to grab a scooter from the hostel, zip down into town, get out some money, browse T-shirts and eat…… McDonald’s.
They were even out of Malay burgers, so my closest attempt at a local speciality was a Double Big-Mac, which is so calorific and obscenely-sized that they’re probably not allowed to sell it in the UK. I did have a Mango McFlurry though. Thinking about it, I’m not sure how Clara managed to carry the teetering pile of burgers and sides to the hostel on the back of the moped. It sure went down well though!