Travelling is funny – you make plans, you get going, you meet people, you see things, you hear things and the plans change.

I’ve been hearing a lot about how Laos isn’t a great place to go to at this time of year, mainly because the rain prevents you from enjoying a lot of outdoor activities, and that’s what I wanted to go to Laos for.
I’m just about to start a 3 day trek through the North of Myanmar and in honesty, the rain and the clouds are wearing me down.
Having spent some time sailing before leaving the UK, I’m also missing the sea quite a lot now, and Laos is landlocked. That’s a whole COUNTRY away from the beach!
My plans are evolving, and at this rate, following some tip-offs and my itchy boots, I’m going to end up signing up to a monastery for a few days in Myanmar, and then heading to Malaysia, to get some diving lessons and explore the coast. Hopefully the weather is a bit better down there too.
Let’s see how it goes from here!