Saying bye to Koen in Puerto Princesa, Palawan this morning marked the beginning of the end of my adventures here in Asia.
As you can see from my face below I’m pretty sad it’s basically all over:

You may have also noticed that I’m way behind on blogging and haven’t really posted since landing in Malaysia. But don’t fret, it’s mainly due to time, and poor WiFi. I have kept diligent notes and over 2000 photographs from my trip since then, and over the next couple of weeks I’ll be sharing everything with you in mind-numbing detail laden with terrible puns and enough sarcasm to fill a Bangkok bucket.
Running through the photos and writing up the trip solidifies the unforgettable memories and unique friendships I’ve been fortunate enough to form in the last 8 weeks. I’ve reignited my sense of adventure and finally realised just how big the world is, and how short a time we’re given to see it all. So, I better start soon!
I have the next year dedicated to learning programming and the theory of artificial intelligence in St Andrews, Scotland, which is going to be an adventure in itself, and hopefully set me on a path of creativity and flexible working while travelling.
St Andrews is a beautiful place, so to anybody I know from anywhere in the world, if you want to see Scotland feel free to stop off and play some golf with me in the next 12 months.
But what about after that? Pinning the people I’ve met on the map, it looks like I’ve been offered accommodation on practically every continent now! So to my acquaintances, friends and family all over the world – hold tight, because as soon as I graduate, I’m coming to see you!