Category Archives: Towns

Cities are just big towns, right?

Bagan – City of Temples

(If you’re just here to see pretty pictures, you want this post instead!)

I arrived in Bagan at 4.00am and was brought to the hostel on a recommendation by the taxi driver. I should have known better by then than to listen to the taxi drivers, but hey, I was totally shattered, and he said it was a good place to meet people.
Actually, it looked really nice, so I checked in and was offered a bed on the rooftop until morning, or invited to join in with the sunrise tour, starting in a few minutes!
Other than the facts that I’d hardly slept on the bus, was totally wiped out from walking and cycling, wasn’t really wearing the right stuff, hadn’t showered in 2 days and didn’t have a clue what I was going to do all day and I’d never ridden an e-bike before, I couldn’t see why not, so I signed up.
About 10 seconds later, another equally shattered guest (introducing himself as Thijs from Amsterdam) rolled out of a taxi and was also easily persuaded to join us.

Thijs, an e-bike, and a pagoda.
Thijs, an e-bike, and a pagoda.

We bargained the e-bike fees (worked out as about $2 for the day, including free laundry, which is hilarious), joined “Akira” from Japan and scooted off after the guide into the cool, dry air – a refreshing change from the mugginess of the rest of Myanmar. Bearing in mind it was pitch black when I arrived in Bagan, you can imagine that climbing a pagoda to watch the sun rise over this unique landscape for the first time is quite an experience:

If you ever come to Myanmar, even for a day, come to Bagan and watch the sun rising. And setting. And watch it doing everything in-between.

Returning to the hostel in time for breakfast, the group of us that had watched the sunset decided to spend the entire day using the e-bikes to take us from temple to temple. Another chappy from Japan joined us, making 4 lads on e-bikes ready to storm Bagan:

And storm it we did
And storm it we did

We soon discovered the structures come in all shapes and sizes; stepped or smooth, round, square, rectangular, brick, stone, tall, tiny, climbable, ruined, recently restored and even one that leant disconcertingly and was affectionately nicknamed “temple Pisa”.

Seeing as I took so many, I’ve collected all of my “generic temple” photos here. It includes a few sunset pics so it’s worth a glance!

Although it wasn’t raining, the sky was pretty cloudy and the day’s heat grew, with dust swirling as winds picked up. It left me feeling constantly coated in a thin layer of clay-like mud, and stained everything like cacao powder.
We stopped off at a couple of major pagodas, the most impressive of which was the Schwezigon (almost the same name as the one in Yangon, though actually not as extensive or well-kept):

Nice, but you Shewedagon to the other one.
Schwezigon is nice, but you Shewedagon to the other one.

Bagan is also famous for its laquerware, so we stopped at a family run workshop. The owner took us on a proud tour of the modest factory, showing us the various stages in the process of creating the ornaments and tableware, which overall takes around 6-12 months depending on design and quality. Everything from start to finish is done by hand, and all the ingredients are entirely natural. Except perhaps the turpentine that they use to wash their hands when done…

I would have loved to bring something back with me, but had horrible images of the delicate bamboo and clay splintering and filling my bag with expensive dust, so abstained. Perhaps next time.

We stopped for a great home-made lemonade over at the river-view hotel, which looks out over the Aryewaddy river:

Lunch was a quick-stop for noodles. When you’re in a photographer/explorer/adventurist playground, food is the last thing on your mind. It’s incredible out here in the wild, where you have your electric bike, no speed limits, no restrictions on where you can go, and no rules except taking off your shoes when you enter a temple. It’s hard to imagine growing tired of this place. Also, monks eat lunch too:

Presumably conducting monk-ey business
Presumably conducting monk-ey business

At one moment, I was fortune enough to witness a local placing gold leaf onto the Buddha:

"I'll just leaf this here"
“I’ll just leaf this here”

Traditionally, the Buddha statues are made with stone, marble, brass, or even iron, and then it’s down to the local people, monks and pilgrims to coat them in gold.

On the way back I took a rather cross-country route and ended up finding a great pagoda to climb up and watch the sunset from. It wasn’t too impressive, due to cloud cover, but the next day it was incredible! You’ll have to head over to my feature post for the photos!

Watching the sunset from tall pagodas is a must-do in Bagan

Back at the hostel, Thijs, Akira and I signed up to a day-trip to Mt Popa, a nearby pagoda on a hill with phenomenal viewpoints and resident monkeys. We persuaded two girls to join us (Sabrina and Clara) and after a “sensible” number of drinks at the hostel bar we retired for the night, prepped to leave early. This would be my last day in Bagan, so to end the post, here’s a few photos of me really, really having a great time!:

Lake Inle – “rest day”

I woke up today feeling like I’d been rolling on rocks for 3 days, rather than hiking. A combination of dehydration and exhaustion left me in need of a rest day, and the incessant pounding rain left me feeling like I’d made a bad decision coming here in rainy season. I practically wanted to get out of Myanmar. Fortunately I’d heard that Bagan, my next destination, was much drier, so I was prepared to give it a shot before quitting.

But at Inle, instead of resting up, I wolfed down a decent, typical Myanmar breakfast of eggs and toast (no seriously, it’s everywhere here), packed my bags, booked my bus to Bagan, and jumped on a bicycle on the recommendation of Les Francaises, who I’d trekked across with.

We were headed for a market down in Mine Thauk, 12km down the main road, which looked like this:

Fast food
Fast food

A good hour later (it would have taken much longer if I hadn’t managed to cling onto the back of a tractor up the hill) we arrived at Mine Thauk, only to be told that the market had ended. Sad face 🙁

We decided instead to walk the long pontoon into the lake, and grab a boat to take us across, which was another great experience:

Shortly after arriving, one of the girls had a puncture, but as I had a bus booked for the evening I didn’t really have time to hang around. I decided to leave them to it and pedal off alone, in search of interesting stop-offs this side of the lake.

I stopped for a second at a monastery, which was again typically run down, though did have a lot of stupas:

Stupa stupa stupa. Sounds sillier the more you say it
Stupa stupa stupa. Sounds sillier the more you say it

Also stopped at the natural hot springs at Khaung Daung, but at $10 entry fee and nobody else in sight it didn’t really take my fancy. Instead, I turned 180degrees and decided to hike up these stairs instead! What better to do on a rest day?:

Can't be that many, right?
Can’t be that many, right?

I found this on the way up, just as the sun came out. Perhaps it was a sign?

This stupa rocks.
This stupa rocks.

There was a pretty good view of Inle Lake at the top, but it was practically impossible to get a good photo, so I’ll leave it to you to visit and see for yourself! Instead, here are the stairs down.

You're welcome.
You’re welcome.

The cycle back from there was pleasant enough, and I stopped for a moment to take this shot of a monastery visible back over the rice paddies:

Wooden monasteries are very common here
Wooden monasteries are very common here

I enjoyed dinner at a very local pub in Nyaung Shwe:

2 pints of Mandalay lager, please.
2 pints of Mandalay lager, please. And noodles. Mmm.

Finally rolling back into the hotel, I sat enjoying a beer with the manager who spoke pretty good English and introduced me to some strange Myanmar cheese; which basically tasted like butter. In fact I think it was butter, but “cheese” was lost in translation.

Finally, my chicken bus stop-over to the bus station arrived, and I was on my way to Bagan. I’d heard great things, and by now my expectations were high. Come on Myanmar, let’s see what you’ve got.

Taungoo – questionable food, check!

Finally I’m back online!

I was off the grid for days, due to a combination of things! Wi-fi out here in Myanmar is either non-existent, or exists but doesn’t work very well. The dated telephonic infrastructure of the country is clearly bursting trying to cope with the sudden influx of tourists and high-end dual-sim Chinese smartphones… which are actually awesome.

The biggest delay has come from me losing my laptop charger, and therefore carrying around a brick for the past week. So, now I’ll explain what I’ve been up to and try to catch up, backdating posts so they make sense.

On Tuesday I took an early bus from Bago to Taungoo, taking 5 hours to get there via the old state highway. It’s bustling with traffic from busses to freight lorries to mopeds with goats on the back, yet wouldn’t really earn more than “single-track road” status in Europe. Illustration:

Cow-sually resting in the highway.
Cow-sually resting in the highway.

I was dumped in the city of “Taungoo” in the afternoon, hopped onto the back of a suicide  and promptly booked my onward travel to Kalaw, anxious to get trekking the next day. I had a few hours to kill so I took a wander into town (goo).

I found the pagoda interesting; run down but clearly in the process of renovation. It’s very similar to other major city pagodas.

I was directed towards a palace garden by a helpful caretaker – he said “very good very good” a lot of times. So, I had high expectations, which weren’t entirely met… I’d probably give it no more than one “very good”.

I didn’t have long before my bus, but I did still figure I had time for a game of football with the local kids!

I genuinely felt bad when I scored a goal.
I genuinely felt bad when I scored a goal.

Food in Taungoo was a quick and practical affair, at a Chinese-style restaurant which treated my like royalty. I practically had my own room (outside, under a beautiful palm pergola) and was fed a huge quantity of questionable, cold food. As I ate, I was thinking “this will definitely make me feel ill”. Tune in to tomorrow’s post to see how THAT went down. Disclaimer – it’s not pretty.

Overall Taungoo was strange, I seemed to attract a lot of attention and didn’t see any other tourists during my time there. It even went so far that the staff in the shop I went to buy phone credit from thought I was selfie-worthy:


Whilst that may be refreshing in some places, actually it just made me feel like I was standing around in the wrong place.

After watching Myanmar beat Singapore 5-1 at the bus stop TV I jumped onto the night bus and headed on further North to the mountain town of Kalaw.

On the go to Bago

This morning, three of us jumped on the train to Bago, itching to see a different city and see some Burmese countryside, even if just from the train window.

Wistfully watching the countryside roll by
Wistfully watching the countryside roll by

Bago didn’t do much to impress at first, the train station is a bit of a dump.

In honesty, Bago in general is a bit of a dump. I’ve heard great things about it, but it’s either gone downhill since, or we missed the good bits, or perhaps it’s just not great in the rainy season.

If there’s one thing we did learn, it’s to ignore the first people that approach you when you step off the plane/train/bus. They’re usually over-charging time wasters. Or even if they mean well, they’re probably a bit annoying.

Still, we got away from the train station by each hopping onto the back of a scooter (I’ve never ridden pillion before, this was sort of a trial by fire, it was great) and getting a hotel room. After dumping our bags we hired bicycles for the day and rode off to find some food. After nearly being crushed, knocked off, swept aside, drowned, mauled and falling down a pothole about 4 bajillion times we stopped for chow at the “Royal Taste”. It was good enough, and being the only people in there we got top service and fresh cooked food. My Mynamar curry was amazing.


Venturing out again, we went to what was undoubtedly the highlight of the day, the Snake Monastery. Featuring a python who has lived in the monastery for 125 years (so it’s said), the snake is one of the largest in the world. And it’s right in front of you, being washed and pampered with care by the keepers.

We cycled on back to the hotel (3 crammed into a double room – cosy) and snacked on misc. Asian treats for dinner. Got to be up fresh and early for the train tomorrow – I’m headed North!

The last of Yangon

At the Pagoda on I was invited to help out with an English class the next morning, but I didn’t make it. Not for trying though – I walked for over 30 minutes down the road, counting down the numbers until… the road ended unexpectedly.
Not really sure what to do from there, I sat down in a local café and grabbed some coffee and a few cakes for breakfast. Nice atmosphere, nice cakes, interesting coffee (thick enough to stand a spoon in, and rammed with sugar) and all only $1.

There were as many cats as people in here...
There were as many cats as people in here…

I wandered back to the hostel, gathered my things and met with some other Westerners to travel over to the Drug Elimination museum in the northern area of Yangon. After I snapped a couple of shots at Yangon Central we took the train over there, which was probably about as interesting as the museum itself in the end!

Still, quite a good adventure, and I’ll never forget the smell of these fish being grilled by the train bridge:

The local "Grilled Train Fish"
The local “Grilled Train Fish”

After we got back from the museum we headed into Yangon to check out 19th street, in the centre of China town.
There was a pretty awesome looking array of vegetables and assorted seafood/landfood, so we grabbed a basket full of stuff we couldn’t really identify and sat as they were freshly barbequeued in front of us. They went down REALLY well with a bottle of the local Myanmar brew.

Things on sticks – my favourite!

I had a moment to snap a couple of interesting items at the markets on the way home too.

Given that we found a bar where Mojitos are <$1 each, I felt a little worse for wear in the morning. But that didn’t stop me getting up and out – stay tuned!

Yangon – slightly less alien now

I headed out this morning to grab some food and check out the local produce at the Bogyoke market. Expecting a mad bustle of yelling people, instead I found a sprawling labyrinth of well organised and beautiful shops stuffed with intricate and beautiful handmade artwork and ornaments.

I would very much have liked to buy something, as it all had the authenticity which I desperately sought on my travels around China… but it all looked far too fragile to stuff into my backpacking rucksack to be hauled around Myanmar in the pouring rain. Perhaps next time!

After a (super spicy) lunch, I wandered out and along the road, past some worn-down mansions and the Holy Trinity (colonial-era church) to my afternoon/evening destination.

The Holy Trinity Church - left over from the British colonial era of pre-WW2
The Holy Trinity Church – left over from the British colonial era of pre-WW2

So, I would like to present, the Shwedagon Paya, the largest, holiest Stupa in Yangon:

Shwedagon. That's what you say to tourists who miss it - You shewed-a-gon there.
Shwedagon. That’s what you say to tourists who miss it – You shewed-a-gon there.

After my brief introduction to Buddhism yesterday by the somewhat sketchy Tiang Tang (nice enough, but he was clearly buzzing on betel nuts) I was reluctant to pay another guide for a similar experience at the bigger pagoda. But this afternoon, I was fortunate enough to meet Uncle Khaing. He approached me saying he was a storyteller who knew loads about Buddhism and some badass photo spots (not his exact words) and offered me an up front fee of $5. So, why not?

I gained a little insight into the days of Buddhism and their significance, and would like to share these with you on my separate post: Feature on Burmese Buddhism

In the meantime, here are some funky pictures of my wander around the Shwedagon Paya:

Over and out for today!

Bangkok – Khao San Road, and “don’t fall in” road

I’m going to start by inviting you to check out a video summarising my experience last night after I headed out for a quiet one:

Quite. At least I didn’t end up at a ping pong show…

So contrast that with the video that summarises my afternoon:


So I blame my new-found hostel buddies for suggesting that Khao San road was a good idea. Admittedly, the food at the start was fantastic. And I had a very nice chilled green tea.

Tom Yum Goong - tomatoey shrimp soup. As well recommended as it is spicy - VERY.
(Tom Yum Goong – tomatoey shrimp soup. As well recommended as it is spicy – VERY.)

At least I didn’t have to catch a train at 10am, unlike the guy screaming. Perhaps that’s what he was screaming about, either that or the incessant requests for us to get massages, which I highly doubt are particularly relaxing around that area. Oh and there’s a guy that looks like a Viking.

I got back at around 2am, which was actually pretty tame considering how I’ve heard that road goes. Good thing too, as I was up (fighting jetlag) early enough for breakfast and a good ol’ wander around central Bangkok. Notable highlights of the morning include “The Giant Swing” which has no swing, and the Wat Su Thatsana Thep Wara RaRatchaworamahawihan Temple. It took me longer to figure out how to pronounce the name than it did to walk around it.

I then set off for my cycle tour. A guide I read before leaving said that the only thing you need to bring with you to Asia is “patience”. It was supposed to take me 30 minutes on the bus to get to the cycle tour centre, but as the bus didn’t turn up for over 30 minutes I decided to start walking. Typically, as soon as I walked away from the bus stop, the bus drove past me, leaving me quick-marching to the Skytrain to try plan B. Clearly, I didn’t bring enough patience with me.

I eventually made it over to ABC Cycles – and they didn’t disappoint! Pluses include coffee on arrival, and me being the only Englishman amongst a bunch of Danes:

“Tom” the tour guide was really good. He told us about Thai food, traditions, religion and more, as well as taking us around the southernmost part of Bangkok. I had a very special experience witnessing a Thai funeral procession. They circle the temple, and then place the cremated ashes into a jar, which is then embedded into the temple wall (see photo yesterday). This process enables an elegant burial at minimal cost of space, which comes at a real premium in Bangkok.

As you can see above, we explored some of the poorest areas of the city, where people live under highways or in makeshift shacks in the alleys between houses. The boat that took us across the river to the Bang Nam Phung region let us cycle around the jungles (also featured in the video above). Although the paths are only 1m across, nobody fell in (today).

Tom also educated us on the Thai greeting “Sawadi Cap” and the associated gesture of respect – a bowing of the head with hands held together at a specific height, depending on who you’re speaking to. They take a lot of time over this, and in honesty it’s a beautiful and genuine greeting.

I took a train back down to town, and grabbed some food at a street cafe:

Pad Thai - tasty.
Pad Thai – tasty.

I thankfully didn’t get dragged into any parties tonight. I’m just looking forward to a good night’s sleep, and the arrival in Myanmar tomorrow!!

Bangkok – Tuk tuks and tailored suits.

Today has gone really well. Almost TOO well. Perhaps I shouldn’t write anything until I’m safely tucked into my bed, surrounded by AC assisted mosquito nets and with all my belongings chained to my wrist… here’s how it went…

Landing in Thailand, I waited with biting nails for my bag to arrive, which it eventually did. Check one. Withdrawing cash was also surprisingly easy, as was then getting the skytrain to Phaya Thai. Wandering out of the train station I grabbed a map and hailed a Tuk Tuk to the hostel. It was my first time in a Tuk Tuk,, and it smelt of adventure, near-death experiences and just a hint of burning vegetable oil. Needless to say, I love it.

Check in went without a hitch too. All done before 12. The hostel seems pretty nice – even has a resident alligator:

Putting the dent in resident.
Putting the dent in resident.

Heading out I was approached by a random Thai man. Instantly smelling suspicious behaviour I engaged conversation cautiously, determined not to give him any money. Turns out, he didn’t want any. Instead, he took the free map I’d grabbed, highlighted the best free things to do, and hailed a Tuk Tuk, insisting that the driver charged no more than 20B (about 50p) to take me to EVERY destination highlighted on the map. I was stunned, and a whole day of adventures later, still am. “Buddha day” – he says. “National Thai holiday, enjoy!”

Boi - that eternally youthful name
Boi – that eternally youthful name

My Tuk Tuk driver “Boi” dropped me off at the first couple of destinations and suggested I wander around, not asking for a penny.

It was only at the third stop that I realised how such a discount was possible – I had to visit a suit shop, and pretend to be interested in buying a tailor-made suit. Needless to say, “Thai Fashion” didn’t get my business. “No, it’s not the price, or the quality, it’s the fact that I’m TREKKING THROUGH THAILAND AND DON’T NEED A TAILORED SUIT”. I gladly returned to the Tuk Tuk to visit the next 3 spots on my list.

He looks way too comfortable sat there.
He looks way too comfortable sat there.

At this point, I came across a group of travellers, speaking English but clearly mixed nationalities. I do like that. As they warmly invited me to join them, we grabbed some lunch at a restaurant by the curbside and then took a wander up the “Golden Mount”. I felt the monument had an air of abused authenticity, which was a shame, but the views and experience were nonetheless fantastic.

Grabbing a cab and a rickety river crossing between us we ended up at the Wat Arun – which although beautiful is currently undergoing some renovation. The majority of the decoration of the temple appears to be made up of old crockery…

I’m aiming for an uneventful evening, as I’m so tired from the early start. Just pop out, grab some dinner, maybe say hi if someone looks lonely. From experience, the “uneventful evening intentions” usually spells disaster…